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دانفوس 132F0030 محرك العاكس

Danfoss 132F0030

دانفوس 132F0030 محرك العاكس

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نظرة عامة

دانفوس 132F0030 محرك العاكس

يعد VLT Micro Drive محركًا للأغراض العامة يمكنه التحكم في محركات التيار المتردد حتى 22.0 كيلووات. إنه محرك صغير يتمتع بأقصى قدر من القوة والموثوقية.

تم تصنيع محرك VLT Micro Drive بشكل يراعي البيئة، ويتوافق مع توجيهات RoHS.

الميزات والمواصفات

وحدة تحكم PI للعملية
مُحسِّن الطاقة التلقائي (AEO)
الضبط التلقائي للمحرك (AMT)
عزم دوران المحرك 150% حتى دقيقة واحدة
بداية الطيران (قبض على محرك دوار)
المرحل الحراري الإلكتروني (ETR)
وحدة التحكم المنطقية الذكية - الإدخال/الإخراج الرقمي/التناظري
وظائف الفرامل المدمجة
مرشح RFI مدمج
التركيب جنبًا إلى جنب

المنتجات الموصى بها


















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إذا كنت مهتمًا بمنتجاتنا وتريد معرفة المزيد من التفاصيل، فيرجى ترك رسالة هنا، وسنقوم بالرد عليك في أقرب وقت ممكن.

المنتجات ذات الصلة

Danfoss 080Z0032
Danfoss 080Z0032 Input/Output Module

OVERVIEW Danfoss 080Z0032 Input/Output Module The VLT Micro Drive is a general-purpose drive that can control AC motors up to 22.0 kW. It is a small drive with maximum strength and reliability. The VLT Micro Drive is manufactured with respect for the environment, and it complies with the RoHS Directive.   FEATURES AND BEBFITS Process PI-controller Automatic Energy Optimizer (AEO) Automatic Motor Tuning (AMT) 150% motor torque up to 1 minute Flying start (catch a spinning motor) Electronic Thermal relay (ETR) Smart Logic Controller – digital/analog input/output Built-in brake functions Built-in RFI filter Side-by-side mounting   RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS 132F0001 132Z0065 132B0062 132Z0066 132F0003 132Z0067 132F0005 176F3141 132F0007 176F3146 132B0063 176F3497 132B0027 176F3504 132B0035 176F3510 132B0058 176F3876  

اقرأ المزيد
Danfoss 080Z0191
Danfoss 080Z0191 Pack Controller

OVERVIEW Danfoss 080Z0191 Pack Controller The VLT Micro Drive is a general-purpose drive that can control AC motors up to 22.0 kW. It is a small drive with maximum strength and reliability. The VLT Micro Drive is manufactured with respect for the environment, and it complies with the RoHS Directive.   FEATURES AND BEBFITS Process PI-controller Automatic Energy Optimizer (AEO) Automatic Motor Tuning (AMT) 150% motor torque up to 1 minute Flying start (catch a spinning motor) Electronic Thermal relay (ETR) Smart Logic Controller – digital/analog input/output Built-in brake functions Built-in RFI filter Side-by-side mounting   RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS 132F0001 132Z0065 132B0062 132Z0066 132F0003 132Z0067 132F0005 176F3141 132F0007 176F3146 132B0063 176F3497 132B0027 176F3504 132B0035 176F3510 132B0058 176F3876  

اقرأ المزيد
Danfoss XSK-AC10I-U188 
Danfoss XSK-AC10I-U188 Pressure Transmitters

OVERVIEW Danfoss XSK-AC10I-U188 Pressure Transmitters The VLT Micro Drive is a general-purpose drive that can control AC motors up to 22.0 kW. It is a small drive with maximum strength and reliability. The VLT Micro Drive is manufactured with respect for the environment, and it complies with the RoHS Directive.   FEATURES AND BEBFITS Process PI-controller Automatic Energy Optimizer (AEO) Automatic Motor Tuning (AMT) 150% motor torque up to 1 minute Flying start (catch a spinning motor) Electronic Thermal relay (ETR) Smart Logic Controller – digital/analog input/output Built-in brake functions Built-in RFI filter Side-by-side mounting   RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS 132F0001 132Z0065 132B0062 132Z0066 132F0003 132Z0067 132F0005 176F3141 132F0007 176F3146 132B0063 176F3497 132B0027 176F3504 132B0035 176F3510 132B0058 176F3876  

اقرأ المزيد
Danfoss XSK-AC10I-194
Danfoss XSK-AC10I-194 Pressure Transmitters

OVERVIEW Danfoss XSK-AC10I-194 Pressure Transmitters The VLT Micro Drive is a general-purpose drive that can control AC motors up to 22.0 kW. It is a small drive with maximum strength and reliability. The VLT Micro Drive is manufactured with respect for the environment, and it complies with the RoHS Directive.   FEATURES AND BEBFITS Process PI-controller Automatic Energy Optimizer (AEO) Automatic Motor Tuning (AMT) 150% motor torque up to 1 minute Flying start (catch a spinning motor) Electronic Thermal relay (ETR) Smart Logic Controller – digital/analog input/output Built-in brake functions Built-in RFI filter Side-by-side mounting   RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS 132F0001 132Z0065 132B0062 132Z0066 132F0003 132Z0067 132F0005 176F3141 132F0007 176F3146 132B0063 176F3497 132B0027 176F3504 132B0035 176F3510 132B0058 176F3876  

اقرأ المزيد
Danfoss 131L9870
Danfoss 131L9870 Frequency Converter

OVERVIEW Danfoss 131L9870 Frequency Converter The VLT Micro Drive is a general-purpose drive that can control AC motors up to 22.0 kW. It is a small drive with maximum strength and reliability. The VLT Micro Drive is manufactured with respect for the environment, and it complies with the RoHS Directive.   FEATURES AND BEBFITS Process PI-controller Automatic Energy Optimizer (AEO) Automatic Motor Tuning (AMT) 150% motor torque up to 1 minute Flying start (catch a spinning motor) Electronic Thermal relay (ETR) Smart Logic Controller – digital/analog input/output Built-in brake functions Built-in RFI filter Side-by-side mounting   RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS 132F0001 132Z0065 132B0062 132Z0066 132F0003 132Z0067 132F0005 176F3141 132F0007 176F3146 132B0063 176F3497 132B0027 176F3504 132B0035 176F3510 132B0058 176F3876  

اقرأ المزيد
Danfoss 131B0146
Danfoss 131B0146 Frequency Converter

OVERVIEW Danfoss 131B0146 Frequency Converter The VLT Micro Drive is a general-purpose drive that can control AC motors up to 22.0 kW. It is a small drive with maximum strength and reliability. The VLT Micro Drive is manufactured with respect for the environment, and it complies with the RoHS Directive.   FEATURES AND BEBFITS Process PI-controller Automatic Energy Optimizer (AEO) Automatic Motor Tuning (AMT) 150% motor torque up to 1 minute Flying start (catch a spinning motor) Electronic Thermal relay (ETR) Smart Logic Controller – digital/analog input/output Built-in brake functions Built-in RFI filter Side-by-side mounting   RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS 132F0001 132Z0065 132B0062 132Z0066 132F0003 132Z0067 132F0005 176F3141 132F0007 176F3146 132B0063 176F3497 132B0027 176F3504 132B0035 176F3510 132B0058 176F3876  

اقرأ المزيد
Danfoss 131B0147
Danfoss 131B0147 Frequency Converter new in stock

OVERVIEW Danfoss 131B0147 Frequency Converter The VLT Micro Drive is a general-purpose drive that can control AC motors up to 22.0 kW. It is a small drive with maximum strength and reliability. The VLT Micro Drive is manufactured with respect for the environment, and it complies with the RoHS Directive.   FEATURES AND BEBFITS Process PI-controller Automatic Energy Optimizer (AEO) Automatic Motor Tuning (AMT) 150% motor torque up to 1 minute Flying start (catch a spinning motor) Electronic Thermal relay (ETR) Smart Logic Controller – digital/analog input/output Built-in brake functions Built-in RFI filter Side-by-side mounting   RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS 132F0001 132Z0065 132B0062 132Z0066 132F0003 132Z0067 132F0005 176F3141 132F0007 176F3146 132B0063 176F3497 132B0027 176F3504 132B0035 176F3510 132B0058 176F3876  

اقرأ المزيد
Danfoss 175G0131
Danfoss 175G0131 Communication Card

OVERVIEW Danfoss 175G0131 Communication Card The VLT Micro Drive is a general-purpose drive that can control AC motors up to 22.0 kW. It is a small drive with maximum strength and reliability. The VLT Micro Drive is manufactured with respect for the environment, and it complies with the RoHS Directive.   FEATURES AND BEBFITS Process PI-controller Automatic Energy Optimizer (AEO) Automatic Motor Tuning (AMT) 150% motor torque up to 1 minute Flying start (catch a spinning motor) Electronic Thermal relay (ETR) Smart Logic Controller – digital/analog input/output Built-in brake functions Built-in RFI filter Side-by-side mounting   RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS 132F0001 132Z0065 132B0062 132Z0066 132F0003 132Z0067 132F0005 176F3141 132F0007 176F3146 132B0063 176F3497 132B0027 176F3504 132B0035 176F3510 132B0058 176F3876  

اقرأ المزيد

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ترك رسالة
إذا كنت مهتمًا بمنتجاتنا وتريد معرفة المزيد من التفاصيل، فيرجى ترك رسالة هنا، وسنقوم بالرد عليك في أقرب وقت ممكن.
اتصل بنا:lizzie@swanautomation.com



